We are delighted to announce that our parish webcam is now live and can be seen at the following link: www.kellsparish.ie/webcam.
You can watch and listen live to mass every day.
Spread the good news to people who are unable to attend regularly.
We are delighted to announce that our parish webcam is now live and can be seen at the following link: www.kellsparish.ie/webcam.
You can watch and listen live to mass every day.
Spread the good news to people who are unable to attend regularly.
Loving God, inspire us with courage and hope as we embark on this New Year. May our lives throughout the coming year be an example of your love in our relationships with family, with friends and with those we meet in our work.
Bless us with fruitful opportunities this year, grant us the wisdom to grasp them and the resources
The Funeral Mass is the central liturgical celebration for the deceased. Relatives and friends are welcome to actively participate in the celebration of the Mass.
The Funeral Liturgy is available here: Download the Funeral Liturgy PDF
You can select specific readings for your Wedding Ceremony and discuss these with the priest before the service.
You can view all the readings available for your Wedding by downloading this PDF