Thank You Letter from Elma Walsh
“Thank you so much for the donation of €300 you gave to the Donal Walsh #LifeLife Foundation it is greatly appreciated.
We have recently given €30000 to Console Ireland for a teen room in the Tralee, Limerick, Galway, Athlone & Dublin houses and Pieta House to furnish a teen room in each of their counselling services in Ireland. We also gave the Kare 4 Kids €22000 for the families of children suffering long term or terminal illnesses to cope with the pressures of travel and other expenses.
We have given the Kerry Hospice €80000 to fund a teen room in the new hospice being built in Tralee. We are in talks at the moment with Milford Hospice, Limerick to furnish a teen room in their premises. We hope in the future to keep all monies for projects regarding teenagers. When this template is up and running we hope to spread this across the country.
The video that Donal did with the HSE is available on YouTube and asks vulnerable young people especially and those contemplating suicide to reconsider and seek help. RTE have agreed to leave the documentary done on Donal (My Story) up on iPlayer until November 2015 so all schools can have access to it. Both Fionnbar and I travel all over the country to mental helath awareness talks in schools, churches and town halls. We feel by doing this we can keep Donal’s message alive. This to us is the most important part of the #Foundation, getting his message out and keep especially young people talking.
As you can see the monies collected by the Foundation are being put to good use, apart from administration costs, promotions and travel, all income is used for Donal’s two causes. Presently all work in the Foundation is being done on a voluntary basis.
Again, many thanks for your kind donation.”
Elma Walsh